Thursday, July 31, 2008

Government denies involvement with Monster, suggests it's a cat

Clearly the government is trying to discourage you intrepid monster hunters. Carol Bengle Gilbert writes for Associated Content:

The Director of the Plum Island Animal Disease Center today uttered an unequivocal denial that the Monster of Montauk came from the facility. ..

Dr. Larry Barrett, Plum Island Animal Disease Center (PIADC) Director, responded to a flood of media inquiries on the Montauk Monster by issuing the following statement:

"It is impossible to accurately identify the species of animal from the photo. There is no scale from which to judge its size. Additionally, when a body has had prolonged exposure to water and predators, it can be altered or appear different from its normal form. If we had the actual body, we could tell you what it is; however, from viewing a canine tooth in the picture, we could guess it may be a cat or raccoon.

Yeah, OK. It's a cat. With a beak. Like you see all the time. Beakcat.


Anonymous said...

"Government denies involvement with Monster, suggests it's a cat" It's Really Horrible.

X-team said...
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